
Catégorie voyageGenealogy

petit arbre

trees !

To see the genealogy of Families Fischli, Fossati, Agassiz, Mathieu, etc. in this window :

click here

If you want to open the tree
in another window or another tab :

click here

I still have small problems of accents on these pages. Be indulgent, I work to solve them.

I was always attracted by all related to the past, and the interest for the genealogy is a consequence of it.
When I decided to make the family tree of my family, I went on the "Web" to find information on genealogy and heraldry in general, with a small hope to find also some information or links concerning the Fischli's.
There are many sites dedicated to genealogy or heraldry. Some I find excellent, others of less good quality because too simplistic, not enough fed, or too complicated. Most allow the interconnection by links, regrettably not always up to date.
On the other hand, except for some possible ancestors gleaned on the site of the Mormons and on "Geneanet", it is the desert regarding the family. Even the site on the Swiss families ignores us superbly.

I swear to do everything to fill this gap.

I started this family tree with my close family, the one that I know, and I hope to have the time and the opportunity to pursue my research for my ancestors to be able to enrich it.

In a first step, what is easier but permits to "make his hand", I listed all the persons of my generation and their descendants. At the same time our relatives and grandparents (on my side or the one of my wife) and the small branch of my uncle of the Fischli side. Then, I want to continue my research on the branch of my paternal grandfather (what is logical if one want a tree of the Fischli's). It will be longer and more difficult because it will be necessary to write to the adequate authorities first and later, presumably, have to make on-the-spot to continue the researches.
When one knows that there are a few 300km between Geneva and Glaris...
I know that more I will advance that more will be difficult to search the past to recover some information but I'm not in a hurry and I like that.
On another side it would be nice if the visitors of this site, whether or not they are Fischli, whether they have direct ancestors or simply a name of passage (young lady Fischli having married another patronymic for example), could send me what they know about their piece of genealogy. It should have anyway as much detail as possible ( for example by filling at best the sections of the genealogical index form which you can see by clicking here). It could be a text document (Word, Wordpad or ".rtf ") or a grid of spreadsheet (Excel) which I would include to my tree if it is possible (proved link between individuals) by adding branches, and I am sure that in the long run, like a puzzle, we could find links and so spin a web of the FISCHLI worldwide.

On my mother's side, the land has already been cleared well, thanks to a tree drawn up in the 1960s by an unknown person going back up near 1700 and showing swiss-italian and Italian branches of the family, refined and completed by a cousin and myself. The work on this side will also be easier because the family is more "active" and more frequent and already long established the contacts.

I also have the luck of my wife's side, because one of her first cousins built the tree of his family (Agassiz). It allowed me to include it in my tree. On hers father's side, it will be very difficult because he was French and we have not enough information on his family. But we shall manage.