
Catégorie voyage Welcome on the site of the family FISCHLI

These pages are there to put online the family tree of the family Fischli. But as you will be able to note if you further go, the related families and allies are not forgotten, far from there.

This site also contains some information on history, mainly Swiss, as well as on geography, physical and political, of the regions of origin.
The topic of heraldry will also be treated because one of the particularities of Switzerland is that nearly each family has her own coat of arms.

The pages are always "static", as they were at the beginning of this site, that you can only consult. According to the progress of my studies (the learning of the "PHP" and "Mysql" is not also simple) I shall be able to provide dynamic elements such as a Guestbook, a Form which allows you to propose the addition of a character or a family. And why not downright a whole branch to the already created tree, if you also made the one of your family and that there is interrelationship between yours and mine.

The final goal is, on one hand to go back up as far as possible on the side of the forebears, and on the other hand to be able to discover some cousins underestimated, living nearby or on another continent.

Catégorie voyageWhy a site on the FISCHLI Family ?

The idea to create a site came to me few years ago but I didn't know what to put in to make it attractive. It materialized in 2003, since the desire to build my family tree came to me. In fact, this last element trotted in my head since 1998, after having received an entitled book

"Le Livre des FISCHLI du Monde Entier (The Book of FISCHLI from all over the world)"

This work is published by Halbert's Family Heritage International, printed in the U.S. and is composed of three parts.

  • The first (chapter I) rudely retraces the History of the Swiss people and the big human migrations during our era. It is rather interesting but very non-specialized. Nothing about the History of the Family.
  • The second (chapters II, III and IV) bill of the origin of names, heraldry and genealogy, with some useful addresses.These are again only majorities and always nothing about the FISCHLI Family, in Switzerland or around the world.
  • Finally, the third (Chapter V) wishes to be the international register of the FISCHLI, with addresses, sorted by country.No tie of relationship is sketched.

There doesn't have regrettably chapter really dealing with the FISCHLI Family, its origins and its history, that would justify the book's title.
I am not the only one to have made this remark and many messages on the Net complain about this "Sting" because many of the other families were not spared. Actually, the editor had to stop his activity further to the numerous complaints.
It won't stop me in any case from wanting to catch up an oversight, by showing at first the complete coat of arms of our family, and then by trying to establish a family tree of all the FISCHLI with which each could finally find his ascendants or his descendants.
It will be a big work but I hope on the collaboration of people (that I do not yetknow) going for a walk on this site to help me to lead this work to its end.Indeed, so each FISCHLI, or a person of another Family but with links with our family, could provide his small family tree I am sure that one would arrive to a very interesting result.

You will find some pages therefore concerning the family FISCHLI, its origins, its history, its genealogy, in fact what I know some currently, and enriched according to my researches and discoveries.